What you need to know about Industrial Wind Farms

Northern NY Wind

July 2021

Lease Map based on St. Lawrence County records

November 20, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

March 5, 2018

“LOCAL LAW 2 OF 2018” is available on town website with newly created March 2018 overlay map titled “Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton, March 2018”. (local_law_2_of_2018_wind_energy_facilities-1.pdf)

(Note - March 5th is also when the Notice of Public Meeting was published -- making the legal notice one day shy of the 10-day minimum notification period.) No revised legal notice was prepared to re-establish the legal 10 day period, resulting in a 2 week delay in vote.

February 16, 2017

Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board, no wind law changes.

maps enlargements

source: NYSDPS

March 6, 2017

Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board. No overlay map change.

March 2, 2017

Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board work session. No overlay map change.

2017 lease map (additional leases and turbine placement continually change)

July 14, 2017

NY State Department of Public Service (DPS) received Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS) response from Avangrid which includes various maps.

2018 lease map (additional leases and turbine placement continually change)

The North Ridge Wind Farm Project is a proposed 100 MW project located within the Towns of Hopkinton and Parishville, in St. Lawrence County, New York. The proposed Project Area is depicted in Figure 1 and covers approximately 33.3 square miles. During the development phase of the Project, Atlantic Wind will lease approximately 8,000 acres of land, which will be spread out over this larger Project Area. However, once the Project is constructed, the proposed permanent improvements would utilize less than 100 acres, where turbines, collection lines, roads and facility components are constructed and buffers around these features are maintained. At that point, the vast majority of previously leased land will be released from lease agreements and would not be included in the Facility, once constructed.

February 27, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board work session reviews document titled Draft of “Local Law No. 2 of 2018 (February 27, 2018)”. No map attached in the public document. (local_wind_law_2018__1_.pdf)

Three Hopkinton board members to one agree to stay with Wind Advisory Board’s recommended overlay zone (map) not to expand south of State Highway 72.  The Town Board agrees to hold a public hearing so that they can vote on “Proposed of Local Law No. 2 of 2018” with the May 3, 2017 Wind Overlay Zone (no expansion south of State Highway 72). No map attached in the online public document.

Wind law “Proposed of Local Law No. 2 of 2018” is required to "rest" for the 10 days preceding the Public Hearing because it is a law.  Meaning, the full law which includes the official final approved Wind Overlay Zone Map is required to be available on the town website, as well as in town offices for public review.
The Board agrees to set March 14th as the public hearing date. This will allow until March 4th to get the final draft of the law and the Wind Overlay Zone Map prepared for public review.  However, the 4th falls on a Sunday; therefore, the Public Notice of Public Hearing must be sent to the town's official paper by March 2nd.

January 18, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting and Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board Meeting. Avangrid map emailed to Town of Hopkinton requesting expansion south of State Highway 72 and indicates an “orange” Fort Jackson area intended to be removed from project area at the developer's request. In addition, the northern triangle shaped section depicted in “Town of Hopkinton DRAFT Wind Development Zone May 2011” map was also deleted by Avangrid on this map even though not outlined.


source: NYSDPS

source: NYSDPS

June 28, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, special meeting work session to review and revise wind law, postpone public hearing. Town Board votes 2 to 1 for no change to overlay map.

December 18, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

February 13, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

source: CCRP,

St. Lawrence County records

FIGURE 1 Project Area

September 18, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

March 28th, 2018

Hopkinton Board Meeting - Hearing on wind law.

Letter titled “Proposed Revisions to Town of Hopkinton Wind Energy Facilities Law” is hand-delivered from Avangrid attorneys, Young and Sommer, with attached map to Hopkinton Town Board requesting expansion. For the most part, map outline is based on July 2017 map created by county with expansion south of State Highway 72 which also includes State Forest land.

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

August 21, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Public Hearing using “Proposed Local Law No. 4 of 2017” with newly created county July 2017 map “Proposed Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton" attached in document (proposed_ll_4__wind_energy_facilities.pdf).

April 24, 2018

Letter from developer to Hopkinton Town Board requesting new taller 600 ft. turbine height (previously 500 ft.)


March 12, 2018

The town attorney advised the Hopkinton Town Supervisor that the Public Meeting Notice did not meet the minimum notification requirements under the laws regarding Special Meetings. New public notice and new hearing date are needed and set for March 28, 2018.

source: Town of Hopkinton

March 2, 2018

On Friday, March 2nd, Board Member (Pullano) alerts the Hopkinton Town Clerk (French) and Town Supervisor (Wood) that no map is attached to the proposed law.

In response, the “Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton, March 2018” map is requested to be created by St. Lawrence County Planning Office. Published with creation date Mar 2, 2018, 11:47 AM and modification date Mar 5, 2018, 10:23 AM. (proposed_wind_overlay_zone_march_2018__2___2_.pdf)

May 3, 2017

The Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board holds a public meeting. Board members make statements about their Wind Overlay Zone vote. They again vote 4 to 1 majority to not allow an expansion south of State Highway 72 and agree to delete entire “orange” Fort Jackson area from Wind overlay Zone. Board displays poster map at meeting.

Hopkinton    /     Parishville

source: CCRP / NYSDPS

source: CCRP / St. Lawrence County Real Property filed leases

May 5, 2016

Avangrid map dated May 5, 2016 depicting expansion south of State Highway 72 and indicating an “orange” Fort Jackson area intended to be removed from project area in developer's future request. In addition, the northern triangle shaped section depicted in “Town of Hopkinton DRAFT Wind Development Zone May 2011” map was also deleted by Avangrid on this map even though not outlined. (requested_expanded_wind_overlay_zone_2017.pdf)

TURBINE SITING MAP page 94 of PSS response July 2017

STATE FOREST LAND LOCATIONS with TURBINE SITES.  Page 39, #376 of PSS response - DPS Staff advises that a Figure at the same scale as PSS Figure 3 should be provided in the Applicant’s pending “Response to PSS Comments” indicating the Preliminary Facility Layout and proposed interconnection location in relation to: ... (2) the several New York State Forest Lands.

May 15, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting regarding ethics law. No overlay map change.

FIGURE 2 Study Area

source: Town of Hopkinton

2018 lease map detail inside the Blue Line (additional leases and turbine placement continually change)

March 19, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

April 26, 2017

The Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board holds hearing regarding expanding Wind Overlay Zone south of State Highway 72 and let the boundaries stand from the 2011 map with the exception of the entire “orange” Fort Jackson area which will be removed. Board displays poster map at meeting. Board then votes 4 to 1 to accept the map and turn it over to the Hopkinton Town Board for review.

November - December 2011

The Hopkinton Town Board adopts Wind Law titled “Local Law No One of 2011” that requires an “official” Wind Overlay Zone Map (hopkinton_town_of_-_final_wind_energy_law__3_-1.pdf). Although required by the wind law text, a final overlay zone map was not attached to the law when sent from Hopkinton to the town's attorney for review and filing with state.

June 19, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting to review wind law and revise according to St. Lawrence County conditions. No overlay map change.

April 26, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board votes 4 to 0 to pass “LOCAL LAW 2 OF 2018” (local_law_2_of_2018_wind_energy_facilities-1.pdf) with county created map titled “Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton, March 2018” which reflects no expansion south of State Highway 72 and the portion of Fort Jackson area removed from project area. (wind_overlay_zone_local_law_2_of_2018.pdf).

January 2018

CCRP rendering depicting State Forest Land locations with turbine sites. Avangrid announces removing Parishville from project area, leaving 27 turbines remaining in Hopkinton.

April 16, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, vote 2 to 2 law does not pass.

March 20, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

July 2017

New map titled “Proposed Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton” (dated July 2017) is created at St. Lawrence County Planning Office. This map includes the expansion south of State Highway 72. It does have entire “orange” area in Fort Jackson deleted as Avangrid and Wind Advisory Board have requested (on May 6, 2016). Of note is the requested expansion area from Avangrid to the Town of Hopkinton includes State Forest land and is larger than the Proposed Project Area Avangrid submitted to the NY DPS in their Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS).

January 8, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

December 29, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

source: Town of Hopkinton

July 17, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, all Board Members agree to (Parker) proposal to extend Wind Overlay Zone south of State Highway 72 and set public hearing date for August 21, 2017.

October 16, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

April 24, 2017

“Town of Hopkinton DRAFT Wind Development Zone May 2011” map with hand coloring indicating entire Fort Jackson area and the words “removed from original proposed wind zone” is available. (proposed_wind_overlay_zone_2017.pdf)

May 13, 2011

Map titled “Town of Hopkinton DRAFT Wind Development Zone May 2011” is created by St. Lawrence County Planning Office.(draft_wind_overlay_zone_may_2011.pdf)

August 8, 2017

“Proposed Local Law No. 4 of 2017” with newly created county July 2017 map “Proposed Wind Overlay District in the Town of Hopkinton" attached in document and is available for download on Hopkinton Town website (proposed_ll_4__wind_energy_facilities.pdf)


May 17, 2017

Wind Advisory Board reviews and revises “Draft of Local Law No. 2 of 2017 (revision 5/17/2017)” No map attached in public document.

source: Town of Hopkinton

May 25, 2017

Wind Advisory Board hearing. 3 to 2 vote to pass “Draft of Local Law No. 2 of 2017 (revision 5/25/2017)” for review by Hopkinton Town Board. No map attached in public document.

April 10, 2017

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

February 12, 2018

Hopkinton Town Board Meeting, no wind law changes.

April 12, 2017

The Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board votes 4 to 1 on resolution not to expand Wind Overlay Zone south of State Highway 72 and let the boundaries stand from the 2011 map with the exception of the “orange” Fort Jackson area which will be removed.

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

May 6, 2016 - revised July 8, 2016

Avangrid files Public Involvement Program Plan (PIP) with the Department of Public Service (DPS) which includes various maps. Although Avangrid's map dated May 5, 2016 indicates portion of “orange” Fort Jackson area is intended to be removed from project area, this area remains in PIP documents.

March 7, 2017

Avangrid open house with map posters for viewing.

May 4, 2017

Avangrid files Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS) with the Department of Public Service (DPS) which includes various maps.

source: Town of Hopkinton


July 27, 2016

Modification date of map titled “Town of Hopkinton DRAFT Wind Development Zone May 2011” created by St. Lawrence County Planning Office.(draft_wind_overlay_zone_may_2011.pdf)

The Study Area includes the Towns of Potsdam, Stockholm, Pierrepont, Colton, and Lawrence in St. Lawrence County; and the Towns of Dickinson and Waverly in Franklin County. The proposed Study Area is depicted in Figure 2 and covers approximately 273.98 square miles, extending 5 miles in all directions from the Project Area’s boundary.

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton

source: Town of Hopkinton