Kevon Martis speaks about Wind Turbines to NBC25's Brett Dickie, with mention of Vestas and Iberdrola

Published on May 9, 2013

local inefficiencies revealed


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"For every wind turbine brought online, a more stable backup power source must be found." 

-  Michael Milstein, Bonneville Power Administration, Oregon Public Broadcasting, June 11, 2009

The net capacity factor of a power plant is the ratio of its actual output over a period of time, to its potential output if it were possible for it to operate at full nameplate capacity continuously over the same period of time. To calculate the capacity factor, take the total amount of energy the plant produced during a period of time and divide by the amount of energy the plant would have produced at full capacity. Capacity factors vary greatly depending on the type of fuel that is used and the design of the plant. The capacity factor should not be confused with the availability factor, capacity credit (firm capacity) or with efficiency.

One reason for reduced capacity factor is that a plant may not have the fuel available to operate all of the time. 
When the sun isn’t shining, solar PV cannot produce electricity.  When the wind is not blowing, wind turbines cannot produce electricity. Solar PV and wind turbines have a capacity factor limited by the availability of their “fuel”, sunshine and wind respectively.

Wind energy is not reliable despite what the industrial wind industry promotes. To prevent a power outage, there must be a stable back up power plant available to pick up the generation that is lost when wind fluctuates. The back up power must be regulated — revved up or down — in sync with the wind causing inefficiency and adding to operating costs.

On average, wind energy facilities operate at just 30 percent of their capacity and must be backed up by more reliable forms of energy such as natural gas and even hydro. New York State is no different...  New York State Wind Energy Generation by Project: 2009-2018

articles, publications


December 8, 2021
Biden’s offshore wind goal is a waste of energy

June 24, 2021
Blackouts Loom in California as Electricity Prices Are ‘Absolutely Exploding’

March 21, 2021
It takes big energy to back up wind and solar

March 31, 2021
Large consumers blame renewables for 2020 declines in C&I power reliability

June 28, 2020

Forbes - On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare by Michael Shellenberger

December 24, 2020
New York can’t buy its way out of blackouts

August 28, 2020

The Plague of Renewable Portfolio Standards Wind or solar plants... are erratic generators.

January 31, 2019
When Does the Windy City Lose Wind Power? During a Polar Vortex

January 29, 2019
Cuomo’s Green New Deal Paddles Offshore

January 9, 2019
The Antithesis of Green... "New Green Deal"

December 19, 2018
The ‘100 Percent Renewable Energy’ Claim

May 8, 2018
We Don't Need Solar And Wind To Save The Climate -- And It's A Good Thing, Too

February 27, 2017

Amazon perpetuates misleading claims about wind farm...   Avangrid Renewables is the second-largest developer of wind projects in the U.S., its website says. It’s part of the Iberdrola Group
Credit:  Don Carrington | Carolina Journal |

Apr 19, 2017
The hidden costs of wind power... Alaskan electric association very cautious about adding more wind.

FAQ about output

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the state’s power grid regulator, sharply criticized Cuomo’s plan to boost state green energy use, saying that it could cause blackouts and would make it hard to ensure reliable electricity.

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is currently investigating how green energy undermines the reliability of the electrical grid.

Wind Farms in Upstate New York

Wind Power Facts
The most frequently unknown or misunderstood facts about industrial wind power

November 25, 2018
Recent studies show flaws of wind power

November 16, 2018
The numbers show we just can’t get to ‘100% renewable energy’ any decade soon

14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines Litter the United States

Ohio’s Blue Creek Wind Farm: Predictable Underperformance, Iberdrola project

August 16, 2014
How Much CO2 Gets Emitted to Build a Wind Turbine?

March 7, 2019
With Ethanol And Biomass No Longer Viewed As 'Green,' Will Other renewables Soon Follow?

Robert Bryce Podcast - spotlights energy, power, innovation, and politics.

click to view

Current abundant, efficient and green, hydro electricity generated locally. The planned industrial wind development will be perpetrating a green energy swap.

View local electric generation map at US Energy Information Administration

proof of green energy swap
Fox 4, WDAF-TV Kansas City

Fox 4, WDAF-TV Kansas City -

Full explanation of wind inefficiency in less than 5 minutes.

November 21, 2018


Urge your local government to adopt a Moratorium on wind and solar development to allow them time to research and create laws that will protect you from many negative health, environmental, and economic impacts.


What Science Reveals About Climate Change - Prager University video series

Robert Bryce Podcast -  The Power Hungry podcast spotlights energy, power, innovation, and politics.


source: excerpt from


local example: produces 13.2% of nameplate capacity

capacity factor

Tucker Carlson: The great Texas climate catastrophe is heading your way


Prager U Video Series

Micheal Schellenberger TED talk video - Why renewables can't save the planet
Tucker Carlson on the green new deal
New York State Wind Energy Generation by Project: 2009-2018

Summary graphic of NYISO Feasibility Study conclusions for North Ridge wind plant. You pay for the green energy swap.

download, print and share graphic


Learn how inefficient New York State wind projects really are, only producing a fraction of their promised nameplate electricity. Download: New York State Wind Energy Generation by Project: 2009-2018

Featured Video

New York State Wind Energy Generation by Project: 2009-2018

Michael Schellenberger TED talk video - Why renewables can't save the planet


North Ridge Wind Project NYISO Interconnection Queue #354, Final Draft: April 7, 2011, (pdf)

page 22: costs and hydro's need to power up and down.

TED Talk video

What you need to know about Industrial Wind Farms

The Green New Deal...

Northern NY Wind